Monday, November 21, 2011

Bon voyage!

So here we are again - on our way to the Southampton Cruise Terminal - Mayflower terminal this time.

We are running a bit late but since we have early check in anyway we should be ok. Party in the car now trying out Victorias new "pop" playlist - what's wrong with the Conga exactly?!?

Plan for the day is to check in, embark, head for lunch in the Belvedere, dump hand luggage in cabin, head to Crowd Nest to read and watch the view as we sail out of the Solent. By then our cases should be in the cabin so we can unpack & get ready for dinner.

Our holiday would not be complete without a volcanic eruption, so here's a link to the volcano watch for El Hierro. This is currently erupting in the Canaries but there's a shipping exclusion zone & last report suggested it was waning.

And here's the Met Office shipping forecast for the Bay of Biscay. We are mentally prepared for Force 12 so anything else will be fine. You should note the red areas on the map today refer to where Victoria will be wearing her new red bikini rather than anything to do with the weather. Don't they?

Sail at 4pm, next stop Madeira on Friday. We are investigating ship wifi for sea days, but don't bank on it.

Adios amigos - dos cervezas por favor!!!

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