Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I've been expecting you...

We're currently sitting in the on board pub having just missed the start of the James Bond quiz. So far we have an 'unofficial' score of 10 out of 10. Unoffical as we were too late out of dinner to get the start.

Today has been a relaxing sea day after the hectic last few days dashing around Russia and Finland. A very choppy sea last night resulted in a long lie in this morning to catch up on sleep. We then dashed to the onboard Russian bazaar, only to find Andrew hadn't put his watch back, meaning we had more time to shop than we originally thought.

Today has mostly been spent sat on deck reading or watching the Swedish islands pass by (Gotland is huge!). We did bump into Roy Walker in the lift, but held back from asking him to "say what he saw". He was a man of very few words; all he said was "yes" and "Zebrugge".
It was the "Black & White" ball this evening so we've had our formal photo taken, we'll see how they look before getting a copy.

It's now time for bed and a good nights sleep before we get to Copenhagen tomorrow morning. We are desperately trying not to think about going home - this has been fantastic!

-- Post From My iPhone

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