Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Stockholm was excellent. We definitely need to come back here as half a day was not enough. We would have had longer but the tender embarkation and a bus load of wheelchair users late back from Gdansk put us nearly an hour behind schedule.

We did the "Stockholm on your own" tour rather than travelling independently so we could get guarenteed transport from Nynashamn to Stockholm.

They stopes us at the old town (Gamla Stan) area which is where we mostly stayed. We got caught up accidentally in the changing of the guard ceremony, which was impossible to see through the crowds, but also impossible to escape from because of the security. The Royal Palace was very beautiful though.

Gamma Stan is one of 32000 Swedish islands-fortunately we didn't need to see them all.

The old town was really pretty and we ate a Swedish hot dog outside the Nobel centre-we're saving this for our return visit here.

We walked from here through to the newer shopping area Drottninggatan where Victoria bought some Swedish mittens to match Andy's Sweden woolly hat!

The weather was warm today although cloudy, but at least it didn't rain!

We're returning to the ship now via the tender again-we would like to stay in Stockholm longer. Of course the coach driver got lost and we all had to direct him, but we're finally back on the lifeboat.

We didn't meet anyone called Sven, or eat meatballs but we did hear ABBA in several shops.

-- Post From My iPhone

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