Saturday, September 01, 2012

Nous sommes arrivons la France!!

Oo la la we are here! 6 hours went by like a flash when you've had a full English & found reclining chairs!! Victoria has slept for most of the journey or watched stuff on the ipad, and Andrew has played Zuma! Time well spent!!
We drove along the coast road from Caen to St Aubin sur Mer and Andy did very well negotiating cars on the wrong side of the road.
The caravan site, le Cote de Nacre, is fab - it's not really a caravan - more a chalet and there's a bar with free wifi (not used it yet), shop, loads of pools, wiff waff, and a restaurant. Plus a creperie and a waffle-arie.
We've just walked to the beach, which is about 10 mins away. The town is quite small and there's not much - think Sidmouth - but we found the supermarket (8 a huit). We've had a walk along the promenade, which is part of Juno beach, and headed to the 8 a huit for some pain et pate, et petit pois doux for the bite. Now sat on our porch relaxing and deciding what to do tomorrow! Dark skies hanging over us but it's not rained yet & has been warm.

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