Sunday, September 01, 2013

Ahh! Tranquility!

After travelling up to Sunderland on Friday night, and a day of anguish for Andrew (football purgatory in Harrogate) and delight for Victoria (a day of cuddles and fun with Elliot), the day arrived for us to head up into the hills to our holiday cottage.

First however, we were off to church for Ryan's christening. This gave an opportunity for Victoria to catch up with some of her friends from home, and despite some struggles with hymns during the service, we made it through to the reception at the Stadium of Light. As an unexpected bonus, after lunch, we were all allowed to head down to the changing rooms, player's tunnel and out into the stadium itself at pitch level. We're not too sure who was more excited: the children or the adults. This was a nice touch, as it meant those who had travelled up from Nottingham got to see what a proper football stadium looks like! It was also nice to see Ryan give his first press conference to a packed audience.

We then realised it was mid-afternoon, and we could really do with setting off to find our cottage. So after a quick pit stop to change, load the car and check maps, we set off on our journey - our advice: go west (life is peaceful there)!

We headed through Durham, Crook, Stanhope and Wolsingham, climbing into the hills and voyaging further up into Weardale. Eventually we reached Lanehead and slowing to a crawl, managed to identify the right telegraph pole that signified our turning. This lead us onto a farm track, which dipped into the valley and rose steeply (very steeply) on the other side. Lets just say that upon reaching the apex of the summit, you really hope no one is coming the other way!

Finally we reached the farmhouse next door to our cottage. Victoria having waked the last portion of the journey having dealing with the gate, no mean feat in the "strong breeze" that was blowing. Having met up with Lynn (cottage owner) and being shown around, we set about unpacking and making ourselves at home. This was undoubtably helped by some homemade scones, butter and jam very kindly left for us by Lynn.

Right now, we are sat very contentedly in the (upstairs) lounge, listening to the wind howling outside and contemplating whether to have any more of the wonderful bread, cheese & pâté. Despite there being a telescope, it's unlikely we'll get any stargazing done tonight as it's a bit cloudy, but it looks very promising for later in the week.

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Location:A689,,United Kingdom

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