Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Going underground

Well, we managed to get some sleep despite the howling wind last night. Although Victoria was a bit concerned at how dark it was, and the fact that whenever the wind blew, the bedroom door creaked! Nonetheless, it was great to wake up naturally this morning, and to discover the predicted rain had failed to materialise.

Over breakfast (banana, coffee/tea & a toasted muffin with jam) we decided to walk up to Killhope Lead Mining museum. So with walking boots on and map in hand we set off for the 2.5mile walk up the valley.

Along the way we saw grouse, rabbits, something worryingly resembling dried rats and numerous (shy) sheep. In next to no time we had crossed track, burn, coppice and moorside to reach the Weardale forest and the drop into Killhope. Here we were surprised to see how much the Weardale forest had been cut back on both sides of the valley; we're not sure if it's managed decline or something rather more serious.

We arrived at Killhope in time for lunch, and after a bowl of homemade leek & potato soup, we wandered round the site, visiting the mine shop, offices and - my favourite- the jigger house and water wheel. In next to no time, it was time to get kitted out for our trip into the mine. Armed with wellies (essential to negotiate the 3-4inch deep water flowing out of the mine), hard hat and miners lamp (which barely worked), we ventured into the hillside.

Our guide wasn't great, in fact we thought he was a bit abrupt and didn't really explain too much. However it was fantastic underground. Over minutes, we wandered through old workings, experienced just how dark it was with only a candle to see by (and also without), and encountered an underground water wheel. On emerging mole-like into the sunlight, we decided to head around the woodland walk, the highlight of which was when 2 deer bolted out of the gloom.

With the time nearing 4pm, we decided to head back home by retracing our steps along the Weardale way. We were slightly concerned by the ominous dark clouds gathering over the hills, and with a slightly quicker pace, made it back to the cottage only to find no rain was forthcoming (as Andrew had predicted).

So what have we done since then? We've begun the Marvel Avengers box set, with Captain America & Iron Man, and spent a wonderful hour outside doing some stargazing. The darkness here meant that we could see all of the Pleiodes, clearly saw the Milky Way and saw numerous shooting stars and satellites. With a stiff southerly wind blowing however, we've now come inside to warm up.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Kilhope, Weardale

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