Sunday, May 02, 2010

A few of our favourite things

We have had a brilliant day today, mainly focusing on the Sound of Music. To recap. We were picked up from our hotel at 9am, so we ate the rest of our sweet pretzels for breakfast (but like Danish pastries). We both went to sleep at 6.30ish last night and didnt wake until the alarm at 7.15!! The hotel breakfast is €15 so we aren't trying that at all.

We were dropped at the coach pick up point where we met our Glasweigan driver (!). The Austrian tour guide joined us and we set off at 9.30. We had a massive coach but there was only 14 people!

The first stop was the Hellbrunn Palace, more specifically the gardens, where we saw the gazebo from "you are 16 going on 17". It wasn't originally here-it was at the Palace of Leopoldscron but they moved it to be a tourist attraction. It was locked though so we couldn't try it-it was much smaller than imagined! See photo from Andrew's post this morning.

We were shown a long tree-lined walkway which was where the children played in the trees in their curtain clothes and Maria sang "I have confidence". We weren't able to go, but at the end of this walkway and visible from the road was the house used as the front of the von Trapp house.

The next stop was the Palace of Leopoldscron which wax used for the rear of the von Trapp house in the movie. Only the gardens and lake were used, the actual house wasn't and the rear of the other house was used instead. So on the shot of Maria and the Captain talking, Maria is at the other house with a building as backdrop and the Captain at the Palace of Leopoldscron with the lake backdrop. You can't go in the Palace today as it is owned by Harvard university. This is why the gazebo was moved!

The real von Trapp family (not the Hollywood ones) lived elsewhere closer to Salzburg, but again you can't go in their house as it used by Himmler and then sold to the catholic church.

We then went on a drive through the mountains to a place called Mondsee. This was a pretty lakeside village which was the site of the church where Maria and the Captain married. Andrew posted a pic earlier. We wandered to the lakeside where Andrew had a hotdog and Victoria a brunwurst-another spicy sausage with Ikea-style mustard.

We headed back to Salzburg and drove passed the Nonnberg nunnery - the one used both in the film & real life. The bus dropped us at the Mirabell Gardens where they filmed do-re-mi. It was very very pretty and Victoria played on the steps (see earlier photo).

Now, the tour was over and the sun was blazing, so we decided to head up to the fortress which us the furthest point if the old town, ie a long walk. On the way we had desert of an Apple Strudel (andrew) and braunkapfel (sweet bread bun warned & covered in icing sugar-victoria).

We elected to take the fernicular railway up to the fortress (good move) and got a combined ticket to see everything. This meant we could get a free audio guide when wanderng. Not a good move-it was very boring- but it did mean we got excellent views of Salzburg from the top of the ramparts. After a wander around the state apartments and a boring collection of army uniforms we walked back down the VERY steep cliff path towards town. Halfway we say a sign for the Nonnberg nunnery so we detoured and saw the gate where the children came to beg Maria to return and where the Nazis came to search. Cool.

We were knackered by now so decided to head back. Most restaurants (including the hotel one) are shut on Sundays so we've bought sandwiches and pringles for tea and are chilling in our room now. Like yesterday, come 5pm the sun went in and rain started, but we didn't get as wet as yesterday. Looks like a storm brewing. Erm yes-right as I type the mist torrential rain just started. And thunder & lightning. Cool!

Tomorrow we're going to do a few museums and have a classical music day.

If someone can tell us the final score from today's game that would be great.

Whoa really really really heavy rain!!!!! The telly has gone off!!! V loud thunder!! Good move with the hotel picnic decision. Auf Wiedersehen!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Hotel room in a thunder storm


  1. Jealous Alexis2 May 2010 at 18:36

    I hate you both.

    Final score 1-0 to Man United.
    Chelsea are 1 point ahead.x

  2. Alexis (who has a boyfriend who would never go with her on that tour :( )2 May 2010 at 18:39

    Doesnt the thunder storm suggest its now time to start thinking about your favourite things!That tour is excellent if they have even set up a thunder storm for you!!! ;)
