Monday, May 03, 2010

Is Mozart dead?

Today we gave the Sound of Music a break (not entirely) and concentrated our efforts on Salzburg's classical music heritage. It was still raining first thing so museums were a good plan.

After a breakfast of last night's sandwiches (which we didn't eat as we zonked out again at 6.30!!!) and an apple pretzel, we headed into the old town. First stop was Mozart's birthplace.

It was very obvious that they were not poor. His father Leopold had written the "how to play violin in 3 easy lessons" of it's time and made a wad of dosh. On realising that his son Mozart and daughter Nannerl were pretty good at playing piano he touted them round to make another load of cash. Think of Michael Jackson being touted by his dad -same deal. Made him tour lots, raked in the cash to pay for houses, was annoyed when he went off on his own, ditched sister when it was clear a solo act was more plausible....etc etc.

We saw his original instruments, some of his letters and belongings including locks of his hair. There was no mention of his death though so we decided to use our combined cheapo ticket to go to his residence on the other side if the river near yesterdays do-re-mi Mirabell Gardens.

The residence was bought on the proceeds of Mozart being pimped around Europe. It was pretty big with a ballroom, and we learned more here about his life. After a 20 minute video there was still no mention of his death. We can only conclude that, like Elvis, he did not die.

Now the science bit. Right next door was the birthplace of Christian Doppler, which probably means nothing to you. He theorised about light and sound-the Doppler effect is when a fire engine siren sounds different as it goes away from you compared with it coming towards you. Space does the same thing with light so we know it's expanding blah blah.

We headed back into the old town to the Salzburg Museum to find it's closed on Mondays so we found a little cafe for lunch. We both had 3 sausages (diff types), sauerkraut and potatoes. Yumm. We finished it off by trying Sachertorte - poor man's black forest gâteau really. Andrew liked, Victoria didn't.

By now the Haydn museum was open so we headed there-only to find it was shut!! Boooooo. So we wandered round the old town a bit more and visited St Peter's cemetary where we had been told the scenes of the von Trapps hiding in the gravestones were filmed. Victoria is not so sure -it didn't look quite right:

We headed back to the hotel via the do-re-mi bridge from the movie-definitely legit:

We rested a while watching TV and reading; Victoria has finished Les Mis and highly recommends it!

We got a bit peckish so we strolled back into the town and bought a Kasekrainer sausage each from a street vendor. It came with a bun and more Ikea-style mustard. We ate it sat on the banks of the River Salzach and headed back.

Tomorrow we are going to head into Vienna on a mid-morning train. Salzburg is really lovely and we're glad we made the detour!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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