Thursday, May 06, 2010

A little night music and politics

What a last night in Vienna! After a day at the conference and catching up with folk there, Victoria met up with the lone ranger and we headed back to Stephensplatz (the centre). It was still hot -been about 22 deg today and no rain- it was a shame to not take advantage of it so we walked back to the hotel rather than take the underground. 15 minutes Andrew said it would take.....that's 15 minutes on Planet Andrew.

Anyway it turns out our street (Mariahilfestraße) is a bit like Oxford Street with miles of shops. Great! The hotel is just at the cheap end. When we got back we went to the restaurant beside the hotel (the Mariahilfebrun) and had the best meal so far in Austria: Andrew had garlic soup for starter (yes it was smelly), then pork fillets with sauerkraut & dumpling and Victoria had beef soup with Austrian croutons (balls of bread) then goulash with potatoes (potato goulash with some sausage). We were stuffed, but the bill was miniscule! The beer was huge!

We then headed back to the Schönbrunn Palace Orangery for our Mozart & Strauss concert. Disappointingly, the Radesky March wasn't on the programme so Victoria was a bit gutted. But the Orangery is one of the only places where it is known that Mozart definitely played, so it was authentic.

In the first act the orchestra played Mozart and Haydn and included pieces from the magic flute, don giovanni and the marriage of figaro. Andrew likes opera so this suited him but even Victoria the opera-hater enjoyed some of this! There were two dancers who appeared to have seen better days, but if you closed your eyes it was ok. Second act was Strauss so a mix of waltzes and polkas. If Mozart is Michael Jackson, Strauss is definitely Pete Waterman-churning out loads of toe tapping tunes. It finished with the Blue Danube-what else-which was lovely to hear here in Vienna. But wait! Is this an encore? Yes - the Radezky March. Smiles all round and Victoria managed to resist the urge to get up and do her ballet number from the show! Brilliant!!

We've headed back to the hotel for the election coverage and have bought some crisps and chocolate to see us through CNNs coverage. Polls have just closed so we're expecting the Sunderland South result any second!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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