Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bodies in the Sun

Today is our final port day, and we are in Barcelona. To be honest, after Ajaccio, Santa Margarita, Florence, Rome and (of course) Monaco, today has been a bit of a letdown. Barcelona is just too big and crowded to really get a feel for it in 8 hours, especially when the traffic is so awful! Our plans to do the hop on/hop off bus were rapidly altered.

We went along to the Joan Miro Foundation (somewhere Victoria has wanted to go to for some time) and despite an early scare (a sign saying "closed") we managed to get in just after 10am. This was a fantastic gallery full of Miro's work, together with some installations by Calder (he of mobiles fame). We wandered around for just over an hour before deciding to try and see the rest of Barcelona.

By this time, everyone else semed to have decided to use the city tour buses so there were no spaces on the upper deck. After passing Camp Nou, we evetually arrived at La Pedrera, Gaudi's famous apartment block. The queue to get in was huge (way past the sign denoting a 60min wait), so after a quick bite to eat, we tried to head towards Gaudi's other famous building, La Sagrada Famila.

Big mistake. Over 30min later we were sat on the bus no more than 500m from where we started, so
after several anxious glances at the time, we decided to cut our losses and head back to Arcadia for a spot of sun bathing. One waffle (with chocolate sauce) later, we were back on board and heading for the sun deck to top up the tans.

Right now, I am sat on the promenade deck cooling down while Victoria has dozed off next to me. The lack of breeze on the sun deck together with the roasting sunshine made it just a bit too hot for comfort. We may have had glorious weather on this holiday, but it can still get a bit too hot!
Hopefully we will be going to the final sail away party at 5:15, before we set sail for home (boo!), and of course the football later on (we are forsaking dinner for this match, so it had better be worth it!)
This has been a great trip which seems to have flown by. Although we are ready for a couple of sea days, it seems a bit sad that our next port of call will be home. I just hope we can bring some of the Mediteranean sun with us!

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Promenade deck, Arcadia in Barcelona

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