Saturday, June 05, 2010

Rest & relaxation

I don't know what rest & relaxation Andrew is on about. We walked 2 miles while whale watching!! I went to a beginners tap class this afternoon which was very basic but there were plenty if tap springs to get the blood pumping. In all honesty I could have taught that lesson and although there are other lessons over the cruise she said they are all the same. Boo. So we went try try ballroom again.....lasted 5 mins into the tango, so I didn't ever get to learn the jive - v dissapponted but not unexpected.
When Andrew went to play cricket I sat on deck reading then sneaked to afternoon tea for scone/jam/cream. I discovered the "party dance" class so watched a bunch of 60yr olds do ghe timewalk. Very funny.
Andrew played cricket and said he did well. Based on his previous performances this is doubtful! LOL!
We've just been to the gym and cooled down with another walk round deck. The sun has really come out and its baking on deck.

Now I'm knackered so we're relaxing before our first formal evening and the captain's welcome reception.
Btw we don't have any reception in the Atlantic so we're building up these posts!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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