Saturday, June 05, 2010

Having a whale of a time

Wow! Our second sea day has really started off on a high note. After a brief lie in, we ventured out on deck for our morning walk and were surprised to see two pods of minke (we think) whales passing to starboard. Being already on deck, we didn't get caught in the mad rush as people came out from breakfast to see them.

And the marine life didn't stop there. 10minutes later, a school of dolphins came leaping towards us - neither of us has ever seen whales or dolphins at sea before, so this was a real treat, and all before breakfast!

Since then it's been a case of reading and relaxation, although this afternoon the energy levels really step up. Victoria is about to take part in a tap lesson, while I'm planning on seeing exactly how bad I am at cricket (very bad if my last experience is anything to go by). Later, it's the Welcome Aboard party, our first formal event of the trip so it's our opportunity to get dressed up. Oh, and the drinks are on the Captain!

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Off Cape Roca, Portuguese coast

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