Saturday, June 05, 2010


Last night was the captains welcome reception - our first formal night. After an argument in the queue because I let a woman in a wheelchair to jump in front of us we made it in unscathed -yes some people are that rude. We got our free g n ts & the captain came to talk to us so we put in a request for a choppy return through the bay of biscay since the way out was so calm.
Dinner was lovely and it was one of our table-mates birthdays so we got cake! Afterwards we had a pina colada and went to the show which was a really excellent male singer who did opera/rat pack etc. Very michael buble.
Today we got up and headed for our 2km walk and gym before breakfast. We watched as we sailed into Girbraltar. It was clothed in cloud but the sun came put just as we dropped anchor. As I warned andrew, Gibraltar is a dump. In fact it's so hot it's like hell- lots of shops full of English people and nothing else. We walked a mile to the cable car only to find we didn't have enough money or a credit card so that was the end of seeing the rock or the monkeys. We had a 99 with monkeys blood though!
We headed back to the ship after less than 2 hours in gibraltar and since then we've been sat on deck sunbathing and drinking Ginger beer. It's v hot so factor 30 slapped on but I'm nearly cooked so will be heading in soon. Andrew is asleep though:

We leave Gibraltar at 6 then have another sea day before Ajaccio in Corsica. Long may the sunshine continue!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Gibraltar on a sunbed

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