Thursday, April 29, 2010

Test post from Andrew


-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, April 23, 2010

Le shuttle

Couldn't tell you what le shuttle was like as I was asleep - but we're BACK IN THE UK!!!!

Plan is to drop some folk at Maidstone, then back to MK!! Then Abs & I to the theayre'n

So that's it for now! Next priority is the show!

Next installment in a weeks time when we head to Austria-hopefully by train!!

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Sellindge,United Kingdom

Border crossing

Currently at Calais euroshuttle check in. Can't get on a train until 10.05 so we've had breakfast here. For some unknown reason we're currently watching the coach drivers wedding photos on the DVD player along with the wedding music. Feels a bit Phoenix Nights. Bring back Gavin & Stacey!

It's all country & western.

The girls are fine, and Abs is determined to get to the theatre with me this afternoon to get practising.

We apparently have to bail out to go through passport control. When we crossed from Spain to France it was like entering Wales from England-just a signpost, no border control. Something to be said for that.

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Boulevard du Kent,Coquelles,France


I managed to sleep on the coach thanks to a cushion I bought in a service station. Only a couple of hours at a time on various creative and unflattering positions, but it was dark.

I woke to find the most beautiful red sunrise over a BP filling station. We were only allowed a loo stop, but the driver is making us tea on the coach!

61 miles to Calais. Seems we're getting on the shuttle not the ferry so no opportunity to practice dances. Bummer. But we should be back in MK at lunchtime!!!

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:L'Autoroute des Anglais,Fouquières-lès-Béthune,France

Thursday, April 22, 2010


We've just stopped for dinner somewhere south of Lyon. The motorway services serve caraffes of wine with dinner, so we shared one between 2 (obviously I didn't count the girls in this). Gillian & U also sneaked a little bottle fir the journey too.

Typical French though- you could only have wine if you had a hot dinner, not if you had bread and cheese. Despite that being typical French fare!

We're dropping someone in Lyon then it's time for sleeps. I've already finished Phantom of the Opera now, so we're watching Gavin & Stacey series 1. Result.

-- Post From My iPhone



We've just stopped for lunch in a service station and now we're on for another 4 hour drive to the next break. ETA in Lyon where we drop someone is 9pm.

Here's us and our coach:

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Autopista del Mediterrani,Maçanet de la Selva,Spain

Carry on Jack

We've been driving for nearly 3 hours now though I've slept for most of them. Our coach drivers are Chris from Yorkshire, and another guy from the west country. They are very funny, but I guess more used to a different clientele.

We've just passed Salou where they pointed out the fuertaventura theme park. Useful. We were promised DVDs and they were true to their word. We've just watched Carry on Jack, which is one carry on movie I hadn't sern-but now I know why!

I did think Bernard Cribbins looked like Michael Schumacher though.

Trying to make progress trading Phantom of the Opera now since I should be able to finish it over the next 14 hours!

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:La Pobla de Montornès,Spain

Wet weather

We're leaving at about 11 today so I headed to find some snacks and drinks for the coach. Nothing opens in Spain until 10, so I had to make do with a petrol station. It's raining and breezy, do it's not going to be too hot on the coach thankfully.

The hotel room was sweltering last night-even with the window open. But here's the view from the 10th floor:

Yes, it was very noisy with the window open but I slept right through until Alrxis woke me with a text. Thanks.

Shame the first face I saw on TV was Aamon Holmes. when did he move to Sky News?

Breakfast was a buffet but I do like continental breakfasts so I tucked in to stock up.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

End of leg 1

We're here in Valencia now. Ferry was fairly straightforward. As I expected, I slept most of the way, waking up on time to see us enter the port. Not exactly the nicest, but I was glad to see the mainland.

We grabbed a couple of taxis to take us across Valencia to the hotel. Valencia seems quite nice from what I saw, although if I ever come again I must remember not to bring a car-they all park in the middle if the dual carriageway instead of a crash barrier it seems!

Abigail & her friend Emma had made it from Salamanca & were waiting in reception, which was a huge relief!

We checked in and went for dinner in the hotel restaurant-nothing special nut a nice enough buffet. My room, however, us fabulous. I've got a separate bedroom & lounge/diner area so 2 televisions! Bathroom us small, but it's perfect for overnight.

Only problem is the room us reduculously hot & the air con doesn't work & window doesn't open !! Sticky.

We had a quick drink after dinner where I had the biggest and mist delicious G n T ever. The girls only had sift drinks, of course and I made sure they got to their room before I came up to bed.

The drivers arrived at 11.15 and said we should leave at 11 tomorrow. They are only allowed to drive for 21 hours before a 9 hour rest, so they leave us at Calais/Dover and another driver collects us.

Am using 3G network to send this so I should be able to update on the way!

Homeward bound!

-- Post From My iPhone

We are sailing!!

We spent a couple of hrs on tje ferry terminal where we HAD to eat a custard croissant.

Then were bused to the ferry.We've cast off and are leaving Porto de Palma, waving a goodbye-until the next time.

We've based ourselves on the lounge, but are currently eating lunch in the bar on deck. Will turn phone off now to preserve battery

It's a bit de ja vu -doesn't seem that long since I was at sea!

-- Post From My iPhone

On our way

We said goidbye to the others at the hotel and hopped on the shuttle bus. We're now at the port. There are 3 ports in Palma-the shuttle bus went to one and gillians taxi went to the other. Gilliam had to get to ours otherwise we weren't allowed to proceed without the booking confirmation. Good job we got here early!!

We're now down to only 9 of us as Alan has decided to try his flight at lunchtime. That's the same flight I should be on. Too late now-I suspect even if it does go there would be a long wait. So the blog he set up will not be any use-stick with this one.

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Ferry terminal

The journey begins

This is my last post from the free wifi in the hotel. In 30mins we get our shuttle to the ferry terminal. I think we've dropped by 3 students now. 2 appear to have decided to stay until next week until everything calms down as they don't trust the coach to get us home in good time (?) and one is going to try and get his flight tomorrow. Gillian, Lowry and Alan are off to return the hire cars, so Lisette and I will go in the shuttle with the students.

I woke up at 4 worried about Abigail getting to Valencia, so I'm definitely convinced I'm not cut out to be a mother! Couldn't have that everyday.

So I'm off to check out now and to round up the troops. Alan is keeping a website as we go, but I want to keep the blog going too if I can. Alan's website is here. Adios from Mallorca I hope.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Shellfish students

The shellfish students are as far as France!!

-- Post From My iPhone

Impossible! Sunshine, sand and a full dance troupe??

Well today has been hectic. Our last day in Mallorca (hopefully) and I'm feeling much better. We went for a quick breakfast then I was spurred into action having discovered the other 35 passengers on our coach from Valencia were no longer booked. I forwarded all the details to Gill from dancing in the hope that her daughter Abigail and her friends stranded in Salamanca could get to Valencia and join us. Poor girls are stuck there with no teachers or parents after being to a Spanish language school, and it seemed silly since they wanted back to MK too.

Anyway, it seems 3 of them are coming (3 are staying put), plus a teacher and her family from the school that were staying near Valencia (lucky). Her school have spoken to the OU and the coach company. The coach company wanted to change £300 per girl - rip off. I think that's sorted now though.

Anyway, not being one to shirk away from an impossible task, I am hoping this means my whole dance troupe will be there on Saturday night. I've told Lorraine what we're trying to do, but I'm certain she won't believe it as it seems unbelievable even to me!!!

Meanwhile, we took advantage of not having to sort out our own travel arrangements, and headed to the beach. I bought a couple of buckets and a spade, and we built some sandcastles. they spell out SOS SXR208 (that's our course code). A couple of the students came to join us, which was great and we finally relaxed. With a bit of luck I might have caught some sun too!!

We're off for our "staff meeting" now (i.e. to finish off the Cava from the planetarium) then our for our final dinner here.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just being shellfish

We've had some more good news today - two of our advanced party that went to Barcelona have made it onto the shellfish lorry and are on their way back to Blighty. One is staying in Barcelona, and the other is coming to meet us in Valencia. He was unable too get beyond Barcelona - even a train to Toulouse was cancelled. thankfully, because some people have decided to make their own way back to the OU, there is space for him in the rescue mission.

Our coach is confirmed for thursday morning, and because I am going to be forever grateful to them they are called "ON A MISSION" and this is their website:

The only downside of this is they have the MK Dons logo on the side of some of their coaches.

I managed a bit of spag bol tonight, and don't have as many cramps. Should be OK to have a free day tomorrow not spent looking on the web for trains/planes/buses.

Just heard news that volcano has strengthened, so I'm glad we're getting off the island and going overland.

I'm looking into how to post by text from the bus, but I might have to set up a separate blog.


We're also now booked into a hotel for Wednesday night in Valencia: the Expohotel. Sixteen people, sixteen rooms so we were very lucky.

Although the coach is confirmed to collect us, we don't yet know what time. Thursday am hopefully.

More later.

Progress finally

We are now confirmed on the ferry from Palma to Valencia on Wednesday (see, going by ship is the ONLY way to travel). We sail at 12 with Balearia, so need to be at the terminal for 10.

I'm waiting for an email reply regarding a hotel room overnight in Valencia, but we have a more expensive hotel on hold incase we can't book the cheap one. Alan arranged the expensive one via the hotel in Stirling that he uses for his astronomical society - they are part of a european chain and the reception in Stirling rang the one in Valencia and asked for a group booking and a discount. It is still expensive though.

Whatever happens beyond Valencia, at least we're on the mainland.

I'm feeling a bit better today - still have stomach cramps, but the others went out and got me some drugs and rehydration sachets. Not eaten anything today and am pretty starving, but I don't want to eat and then spend another day on the loo.

More news when I get it....

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Our reconnaissance party made it to Barcelona this morning by plane before they closed Barcelona and Palma airspace. Two have got a coach to Toulouse, two were waiting to see if the OU solution or shellfish lorry are viable options. Airspace is open again though, but subject to change.

OU are definitely looking into the minibus option, but none of the companies are open on a Sunday so we can't proceed with that yet. No ferries to Barcelona until next weekend, so that's out. We can get to Valencia by ferry any day (once a day), but they wont book the tickets until they know the buses are coming. I just hope they don't book up. If it was my call I would book it. Besides, Valencia wasn't on my existing list of 3 zillion european cities I would be visiting this year!!

Can someone (i.e. Andy) ring for me the following companies:
Spanish Rail (this is a london office)

And find out the best (and available) ways to get to Calais from Valencia.

Spanish government have said they will be putting more ships on though in order to get people off the Balearics. I am somewhat alarmed to hear that Spain might be used as a hub to get people home from elsewhere, since Spain is under severe pressure already. Just heard the Royal Navy may be drafted in - I might wonder why its taken 4 days to formulate that idea.

In other news, we went and packed up the observatory this morning then went for lunch. We came back and I heard Mack the Knife on the tanoy in the hotel foyer so used the opportunity to practise for the show (still working on the assumption I'll get there - Abigail won't as she's stranded in spain too with rescue only coming on Saturday, so our troupe is already down by 1).

I have had a really bad tummy since yesterday afternoon, and I've been asleep all afternoon today. The others have gone out for dinner, but I couldn't face it. I hope I'm better tomorrow as I'm starting to feel a bit miserable. The combination of dodgy tummy, dirty clothes, potentially missing the show and crap spanish food is the downside to this adventure.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Barcelona or bust

Now next week's school is cancelled, at least we can think about getting home, so we all (staff & students) gathered this afternoon to come up with ingenious ideas to get home since Wednesday isn't looking hopeful now. I'll go through them:

1. Get to Barcelona by ferry and hire minibuses and share driving to Paris or Calais.
Problem: no minibus firms will rent one way over that distance (that we can find).
2. Get flight to Barcelona and hire minibuses as above. Car hire is out of the question - no cars available across Europe.
Problem: Barcelona airspace under increasing threat and is currently the most northerly airport open in Europe. By morning it may be gone. Minibuses problem as above.
3. Either of the two possible means over to Barcelona then train to the Channel.
Problem: appears that Barcelona is a madhouse and the trains are chocka block.
4. Either of the two possible means to Barcelona then a coach to the UK.
Problem: OU have looked into getting a coach and driver to come and get us, but all UK coaches are being used to replace domestic flights. Can't get through to our Mallorcan coach company until Monday at the earliest.
5. Either possible means to Barcelona then 2 OU minibuses come and collect us.
Problem: None, except we haven't heard anything from the OU as to whether they can do it.
6. Fly toValencia or Alicante (further south than Barcelona) and take any of the overland options above.
7. Wait for our flights on Wednesday to see what will happen.

All of this depends on us getting on a cross channel ferry, which looks less and less likely. The Spanish air traffic control people have also warned they may be closing all airports in the Balearics tomorrow.

Anyway, current preferred option is the minibuses from the OU but I'm not holding my breath.

Tomorrow morning, a handful of students are flying to Barcelona to take their chances on the mainland. One of them may have a ride home in a shellfish truck from the Isle of Skye coming to Barcelona to drop off Scottish shellfish - gods honest truth. For her that would be a full ride back to the Isle of Skye where she lives. The irony that we just want to get back to ANYWHERE in the UK.

We've been out for a chinese tonight but are resuming discussions in the morning over the grand prix which is a reasonable time of 9am here. After that we have to go to the observatory to pack up all the gear as there are no more schools until September. Alan and I were hoping to go to the caves on the other side of the island, but we're not the ones with the car...

Rental queue


We went to extend the hire car 'til Wednesday and were faced with a very long queue, and some very unhelpful spaniards. Sorted now.
We have an excellent plan to get across to Barcelona by plane or ferry and then do it by road trip. All the students are happy to share driving and convoy would mean it is straightforward.
However, while we thought this week would be cancelled, they are still encouraging students to try and get here, so we don't have a firm decision on whether we are allowed to leave. We're trying all the hire firms for minibuses, but if someone else in the UK could try it would be really helpful.
There's now 2 students....bugger. More news asap.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Google test

I've migrated the blog to my gmail account as I was sick of logging into so many accounts while away. So I've added a gadget to my igoogle page so I can post direct from there instead. I hope this works.

Currently listening to Radio 5 over the internet!! Naturally I can't sleep after having my sleep pattern disrupted, but I'll keep trying.

End of a long day

Tomorrow by mid-afternoon we will know if we have any students here for next week. If not, then we need to go on Sunday to pack up the observatory. If there are students, they will be low in number and unlikely to have come from the UK in the last day or so. Some staff for next week are on Sunday flights out here.

I (plus Alan and Gillian) are booked on a Monarch flight on Wednesday lunchtime departing at 11.30ish and arriving at Manchester airport at 13.50ish. I can't remember flight number right now. Officially their flight is tomorrow and not yet cancelled, but the likelihood is it will be.

Most students have managed to get flights, but not until during the week, so we're all here for a few more days together. We all went out for dinner tonight, which was lovely (but again to the Meson del Mar and its terrible service). They've gone out for drinks, but I need to crash after the lack of sleep last night/this morning.

I've informed those back at work about not being in next week, but I'm not getting a lot of sympathy - can't imagine why.

My biggest panic is about the show - I'm now going to miss all of the lessons this week, so the first time I will dance in 4 weeks (yes, 4 weeks) will be the dress rehearsal. Not got the elastic sewn into my hats yet. Poo. Andy has been to see Lorraine (I hope) and I've emailed her.

Anyway, the course is now officially over and it seems from now on the blog will be a holiday blog! Time for sleep now - I feel like I deserve it!

Flight news

Well we're still waiting to hear what's happening, but flights are looking bad. Students booked on Easyjet cannot get another flight 'til Tuesday at the earliest (to Bristol) or Thursday to Gatwick. Monarch's next available flight for me to anywhere in the UK is to Manchester on Wednesday, or Thursday back to Birmingham.

I will look at alternative destinations - possibly Newcastle if someone would drive me back to MK.

Still no word from the travel agent. Everyone is sat in the bar trying to find flights - its all very odd.

Faulty Towers

So I got to bed looking forward to a sleep until 2pm, but at 12.03 (3 minutes after my original check out time) I got a phone call from reception telling me to vacate my room. Seems the message didn't get passed between reception staff that I wasn't going anywhere and to leave me. They wanted to know when I would be going, but of course it's impossible to say!! I wouldn't mind so much, but this was exactly what was behind the hassle last night. So I've had 3.5 hours sleep. Great.

Flight is officially cancelled and so is my tutorial. The regional office in Oxford are ringing the students for me. We sent 3 emails to the travel agent that booked our flights, and are yet to hear anything from him. We can't change our flights as he booked them for us......

I'll know in a couple of hours whether we're being asked to stay on for the week or not, but I'm getting increasingly concerned about the show. I'll email Lorraine next to explain the situation so far. I practised each dance in the observatory cafeteria at 2.30 am so at least I've run through them once in 3 weeks (it'll be 4 if I don't get back by Tuesday).

We have our final debrief session at 3pm in the hotel bar after which time I am officially not at work. The sun is shining (blazing actually), which is good news. The boys last night really got into the landing sites project, so I'm pleased it ended on a high note. I got a very good report on my own performance over the week, so I am happy.

I'll let you know what's happening when I know myself.

What else would we do in Mallorca when stranded.....

.......but sit in the hotel and drink wine until 8.30am. That's a first even for me!!! Night night!!!

"Lost" quote of the week

"I just want to get off the island"

clear skies here still despite what is elsewhere

OK, so its not showing as being cancelled from the monarch website but NATS have said UK airspace is closed until 19ooBST. Bummer. The up side is that we have obtained some wine and its apparently tradition that the tutors have this on return to the hotel this morning. So we will stay up until we see the 8.30 update from NATS. We have the final debrief at 2pm tomorrow which is the official close of the school, by which time we will know more about where we stand.

On a brighter note, tonight we had a fabulous clear sky and observed a beautiful crescent moon, Mercury and Mars. Fab. The boys are planning their missions to Mars and seem really enthusiastic. if we're still here next week I've said I expect to see a prototype!!!

The tutors due to come out to take over from us tomorrow are going to head to the airport as planned, and then see what is happening. If they are not likely to get here until Sunday, then we will need to stay if students are here already for next week's course. We'll know more tomorrow.

My hotel room is OK til at least Saturday after a small panic, but all sorted now. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


OK, so air traffic control have closed british airspace until 7am Friday morning, so it's very unlikely I'll be back in the UK tomorrow. But we have a plan. The hotel are officially fully booked from Saturday, however they are only fully booked because of the students coming out here. the majority of these would be coming from the UK, so their rooms are still free for us. If not, the hotel have agreed to put us up in apartments they own across the road.

I knew it was a good idea to pack more clothes than I actually needed, but I am out of knickers so am washing them with hand wash in the sink and drying them on the balcony - LOL.

There is a possibility that some students may already be here, or be coming from other parts of Europe. In this case, staff need to be here to tutor them. As the staff for next week are in the UK, we might need to stay a few days anyway. We don't know yet.

I need to keep an eye on the monarch website to see what's happening with my flight. If anyone here's anything can you please let me know by text. I have all my flight details here and will be checking the update from NATS at 8pm (BST). I'll put a link to this on the blog, plus the monarch website.

Good job I am doing this blog, isn't it?

Anyway, we're doing planetary landing sites tonight and the boys are busy planning what they are doing. No one seems too fazed to be stuck here for a few more days - there are worse places we could be. There's a beach and free wifi, and I brought some work that I dind't get around to. The students are asking if they will be able to have another observing night in saturday if they are stuck....would be nice.

I'm just a bit worried about the show. I will be cancelling my tutorial as its not fair to keep the students hanging on just in case.

I'll update with more news in a bit - we're heading up to the observatory for the final (official) night.


oh dear. Just heard they are closing UK airspace and south of it because of the arrival of the volcanic ash cloud. I wonder if it will have passed over Europe by Friday? Another day in Mallorca would be such a pain! Joking aside - I'm supposed to be doing a tutorial on Saturday and I'm not ringing round 20 students from Spain to tell them its cancelled. Monarch have already cancelled all flights for Thursday.....if you hear anything, let me know.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I lied. By the time I got outside there were no clouds at all and it was hot again. We went to lunch at the Meson del Mar (again), which I am getting a bit sick of now - usually the service is dire and the food is good, but today the service was good but the food was dire. We did have a beer though! After that we had some free time. I took some reading down to the beach and sat on the sand for 30 mins, but it was starting to get chilly, so I went back to the hotel.

Tonight we have less time for projects, and I'm on the meteorites again. I'm not feeling too good - too much dodgy spanish food. However I seriously am annoyed about the food. Everyone is complaining about the food up in the observatory. When I voiced this to the person that could do something about improving it I was told I was a faddy eater and I would get used to eating non-UK when I travel more. ?????? OK, so I don't eat eggs and peas, but as far as I could see I will eat most other things but they need to a) be at the temperature you would expect them to be served and b) go with the side dishes provided. Tea tonight was pork in gravy with green beans, fried rice, squid rings and potato croquettes.

Anyway, the group are working away now measuring chondrules. Its a fine night with clear skies so the other groups are getting loads of data. Shame I'm stuck in the lab.

A game of two halves

Last night was my only observing night, so I was really hoping for some clear skies. I was tutoring a project on binary stars, which admittedly I don't know much about, but the project was pretty straightforward. I had the group I'd had the other night to train, who were pretty good (very good). However the projects are designed to run with 5 people. we had 5 the other night but we've had 1 drop out due to illness, and another had to return home due to an emergency. Hence, we were left with only 3 in this group. eek.

They had got themselves organised though, and had done the project planning before arriving at the observatory, which meant they could get set up and started in the dome pretty quickly. Not that it mattered - wall to wall clouds. So two of them went inside and started working trough some archive data, leaving one lonely soul to watch the clouds just in case.

We decided to give it until 1.30am and if there was no sign of a start then we'd call it a day, but bang on snack time at 12.30, the skies cleared and off we went. They ended up collecting data until 4.20am, which was great. Unfortunately, it meant we had to do some very simple maths very badly at 4.30am, which was not good.

The bus didn't turn up to collect the students on time, which meant we didn't get back until nearly 7am; however today we get half a day off and don't need to be at the observatory until 7pm. I've woken earlier than I needed to so that I can control my sleep pattern a bit - otherwise I will be too tired for Saturday's tutorial in Oxford. Unfortunately it's cloudy again......

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Juicy fruit

Cloudy boohoo

This is the second attempt to post this - I lost connection earlier.

Yesterday started off a really nice day - blue skies and hot sun. We had lunch in a restaurant overlooking the bay, but by the time we returned to the hotel to collect our things for work, the clouds had closed in (view from balcony):

We headed on up to the observatory and it was looking like the clouds might clear. Last night I was tutoring the meteorite project, which is quite boring and unexciting so I supplemented it a bit with other stuff; the planetarium have a new meteorite collection so we did a little tour of that.

Then it was time for more interesting spanish food. Cold interesting spanish food too. Pork Meatballs in tomato sauce, macaroni cheese flan (yes), squid rings and potato croquettes.

We were totally based in the computer room last night, which was a good thing because all the other groups had to retreat indoors at about 2am as the rain started and the clouds showed no sign of budging. They managed to learn how to ue the microscopes and classified a few meteorites. At 4am we were expected to have a discussion on how chondrules form, and although we were all knackered, we ran over and the bus was waiting for the!

We got back at 6.30am and I remembered to put in ear plugs to get through the breakfast noise elsewhere in the hotel. I slept very well until 1.30!!

We went for lunch across the other side of the bay and I shared a paella with Lisette. It was very nice, but we had to eat quite fast as we were running late. We've jut arrived at the observatory for tonight, and its not looking too promising cloud-wise. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Clear skies

Last night was our first long night. Us tutors got to the observatory at 3ish (a bit early to be honest) to run through some things before the students arrived. I did a short tutorial on the software they'll be using this week, then Alan did another really excellent tour of the nights sky in the planetarium, explaining how to navigate it.

Then for more unique spanish food. Saturday night had been a mix of pasta bolognese, octopus, potato croquettes, squid rings and a bunch of salad stuff. Last night was egg fried rice, pork and potatoes in gravy, potato croquettes, squid rings and salad. Promisingly there was something that looked like Caesar salad, but when I started to eat it there was fish roe. Nice. I have borrowed a knife from the observatory as I want to buy some lovely spanish oranges from the shop near the hotel.

The students are in groups already, and each tutor took one group and divided them into 2 - one lot went to the domes, and the other to the computer lab. The computer lab is in the main observatory building (below), which on a night is just as cold as outside!!!

They swapped locations after midnight snack (slightly more recognisable cheese and ham sandwich). They had to learn to open the dome, start up the telescope, take calibration frames and then navigate to a bright star to align. I had a group already quite experienced in astronomy, so this was pretty straightforward, although the second group got a bit stuck when the software gave very strange results, so we might have a problem with that dome this week.

The skies were pretty clear, although at midnight-ish a haze rose which hampered viewing anything low in the sky.

We finished at 4.15am, by which point the sky was totally clear, and they headed back to the hotel on the bus. We got back at around 6am and I went to bed/asleep straight away. I set my alarm for 12.30, but thanks to all the noise I woke up at 11. Currently there is a cleaner in the room above who is banging and crashing furniture around. Earplugs tonight I think.

There's just one small glitch with today - last night the water ran out at the observatory, so there are no toilet facilities. We are hoping a water tank will be delivered today, but they have been saying that since Friday when the water levels were already quite low.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

First night

Students arrived at the observatory at about 6ish last night and we had an introduction from Lowry, the course director for the week. At the planetarium (photo below), which is on site, we watched a couple of short planetarium shows about space, and space travel. This was followed by a really appallingly awful show about telescopes made by americans. It was so cheesy and we've had some complaints from students about it!! It was beyond our control!!!

Then we had our first meal at the observatory - we need to get used to the unique spanish food they create there. Suffice to say I've been to the nearby supermarket to buy supplies. Drinks are in short supply at the observatory, so I've bought massive bottles of water.

It had got dark by now so we showed them how to get into and out of the domes. I had a good bunch who were all good fun. I had to make sure everyone had red light torches, so spent 20 mins sticking red cellophane over people's torches for them.

Alan gave a really excellent tour of the nights sky pointing out the constellations, and we used binoculars to see nebulae etc. We saw a really bright meteor which passed right over-head. That was great. Alan set up one of the smaller telescopes and we saw Saturn and its rings and the Orion nebula. Then the students were driven back to the hotel at 11ish. We stayed on for another hour then headed back.

I slept fine, but I need to find out who is in the room next door and ask them to be a little quieter on a morning. I slept 'til 10, but at 7.30 their alarm went off and woke me. We are working 'til 4 tomorrow morning, and we probably won't et back to the hotel 'til 6am.

I went and sat in the pool area before lunch, having bought my groceries and a newspaper.

We just had a big lunch to keep us going, and we're heading back to the observatory in 30 mins. Students won't arrive for a few hours though. Got to do a talk tonight - not looking forward to that.

Weather still hot (had sun cream on today!), but is supposed to be clouding over later unfortunately.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Current weather report

HOT HOT HOT Glad I brought the suncream.

So I woke up at 8.30 this morning, and met the other guys at 10 for breakfast. We found a greasy spoon cafe called Bobbies, that did an excellent (but a bit too greasy) breakfast. After that I had an hour spare so I headed along the beach. Good job I brought flip flops.

There's not a cloud in the sky which is great news for observing where clouds are a big no no.

We headed out to the observatory at lunchtime, and I checked the microscopes for the meteorite project I'm working on with students. Seems there have been new computers installed in the computer lab, and the software for the microscope camera has disappeared - no sign of the disk anywhere. Hmmm. Going to be interesting.

Alan ran through how to start up the telescopes again, since it's 5 years since I was last here. then I took a wander round the site taking some photos while we were here in the daylight. These are the domes in which they keep the telescopes.

I'm now going to re-learn the software I have to do a tutorial about tomorrow. I'll leave you with a shot of the Med.... Enjoy!

Seeing red not stars

Well, I've arrived here fine - but nearly didn't. thought I was leaving work at 11.30, but it was actually 10.30, so was running late to meet Gillian for the taxi. Finally got to the station with 15 mins to spare, but....
Seems that trainline forgot to send me the mandatory reservation coupon to go with my ticket, and I was nearly not allowed on the train. In fact, I was nearly not allowed back on the platform after I went back to the ticket desk to sort it out. A sour faced woman on the gate said no - even when I said my luggage purse and everything were on the platform and even though she was the one that had told me to go back to the desk when I asked!!!! Nice guard took pity on me though and took to the train manager, who said it wasn't a problem. Well it was because I got on the train and the ticket collector didn't believe me!!! even though I had an email confirmation to say i had reserved and paid for the ticket!!!
Anyway, we got to the airport fine, had a cup of tea and then went through security. Shoes off, laptops and phones out of bag. What a pointless exercise.
Got on the plane and i was still feeling OK and I hadn't taken a tablet. Take off was fine, and then I spent most of the flight talking to a nice lady from Stoke. Ate my meal, then it was time to land. I did have a g'n't though. So all in all, the best flight I've done for a long time.
Collected the car and Gillian drove through Palma as I'd never been there. Took pic of the cathedral while we were stuck in traffic!
We headed along the motorway to the resort where the hotel is: Santa Ponsa. Dumped bags then headed straight up to the observatory, which is about 45 mins away. We got the telescopes set up and bits and pieces, and headed back to Santa Ponsa at 11. Found a restaurant filled with locals (good sign) and had a 3 course dinner. This was far too late for me, but we got back to the hotel at 1ish and I flaked out.
Can't get the hotel wifi on my phone so can't use that for blogging. Brought my eee pc instead thankfully! More anon.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

iPhone test

Busy getting everything ready for tomorrow so just testing iPhone link. May be able to blog via laptop and Internet at observatory, but can't be sure.

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Onerockdoc goes solo

As a test for blogging in Europe in May and June, Victoria is going to try blogging from Mallorca next week where she is working at the OU's residential school (SXR208 Observing the Universe). Links down the side regarding where and why, but keep your fingers crossed for good weather so we can get some observing sessions in with little interference from clouds. For those who have forgotten, Victoria doesn't like flying (hence the cruise) but will be heading out on Friday on Monarch airlines (Birmingham to Palma).