Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I lied. By the time I got outside there were no clouds at all and it was hot again. We went to lunch at the Meson del Mar (again), which I am getting a bit sick of now - usually the service is dire and the food is good, but today the service was good but the food was dire. We did have a beer though! After that we had some free time. I took some reading down to the beach and sat on the sand for 30 mins, but it was starting to get chilly, so I went back to the hotel.

Tonight we have less time for projects, and I'm on the meteorites again. I'm not feeling too good - too much dodgy spanish food. However I seriously am annoyed about the food. Everyone is complaining about the food up in the observatory. When I voiced this to the person that could do something about improving it I was told I was a faddy eater and I would get used to eating non-UK when I travel more. ?????? OK, so I don't eat eggs and peas, but as far as I could see I will eat most other things but they need to a) be at the temperature you would expect them to be served and b) go with the side dishes provided. Tea tonight was pork in gravy with green beans, fried rice, squid rings and potato croquettes.

Anyway, the group are working away now measuring chondrules. Its a fine night with clear skies so the other groups are getting loads of data. Shame I'm stuck in the lab.

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