Saturday, April 10, 2010

Current weather report

HOT HOT HOT Glad I brought the suncream.

So I woke up at 8.30 this morning, and met the other guys at 10 for breakfast. We found a greasy spoon cafe called Bobbies, that did an excellent (but a bit too greasy) breakfast. After that I had an hour spare so I headed along the beach. Good job I brought flip flops.

There's not a cloud in the sky which is great news for observing where clouds are a big no no.

We headed out to the observatory at lunchtime, and I checked the microscopes for the meteorite project I'm working on with students. Seems there have been new computers installed in the computer lab, and the software for the microscope camera has disappeared - no sign of the disk anywhere. Hmmm. Going to be interesting.

Alan ran through how to start up the telescopes again, since it's 5 years since I was last here. then I took a wander round the site taking some photos while we were here in the daylight. These are the domes in which they keep the telescopes.

I'm now going to re-learn the software I have to do a tutorial about tomorrow. I'll leave you with a shot of the Med.... Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Shouldnt we have some night time shots seen as how thats why your there!! ;)
