Saturday, April 10, 2010

Seeing red not stars

Well, I've arrived here fine - but nearly didn't. thought I was leaving work at 11.30, but it was actually 10.30, so was running late to meet Gillian for the taxi. Finally got to the station with 15 mins to spare, but....
Seems that trainline forgot to send me the mandatory reservation coupon to go with my ticket, and I was nearly not allowed on the train. In fact, I was nearly not allowed back on the platform after I went back to the ticket desk to sort it out. A sour faced woman on the gate said no - even when I said my luggage purse and everything were on the platform and even though she was the one that had told me to go back to the desk when I asked!!!! Nice guard took pity on me though and took to the train manager, who said it wasn't a problem. Well it was because I got on the train and the ticket collector didn't believe me!!! even though I had an email confirmation to say i had reserved and paid for the ticket!!!
Anyway, we got to the airport fine, had a cup of tea and then went through security. Shoes off, laptops and phones out of bag. What a pointless exercise.
Got on the plane and i was still feeling OK and I hadn't taken a tablet. Take off was fine, and then I spent most of the flight talking to a nice lady from Stoke. Ate my meal, then it was time to land. I did have a g'n't though. So all in all, the best flight I've done for a long time.
Collected the car and Gillian drove through Palma as I'd never been there. Took pic of the cathedral while we were stuck in traffic!
We headed along the motorway to the resort where the hotel is: Santa Ponsa. Dumped bags then headed straight up to the observatory, which is about 45 mins away. We got the telescopes set up and bits and pieces, and headed back to Santa Ponsa at 11. Found a restaurant filled with locals (good sign) and had a 3 course dinner. This was far too late for me, but we got back to the hotel at 1ish and I flaked out.
Can't get the hotel wifi on my phone so can't use that for blogging. Brought my eee pc instead thankfully! More anon.

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